2010年8月31日 星期二

Clay Flower 麵粉花

Clay flower is made with synthetic clay(樹脂黏土), which air dries and does not need to be heat cured like normal clays. The result is a long-lasting decoration or keep-sake that is still flexible and resists breaking or cracking(永不凋謝的花). The clay is easy to work with and can be extended with water. Even after the flower has dried, it is still possible and brilliant.Since its base color is white your flower can easily be made any color you can mix, normal oil paints are most commonly used. These flowers have all the advantages of normal artiflcial flowers, but with a unique elegance that plastic cannot achieve.The process of making clay flowers is enjoyable and allows you to be as creative as you want. First the clay is wrapped over wire supports, colored to match that section of plant and shaped as desired. Next the individual pieces are attached with glue. Clay is then added for the finishing touches and the flower's details are painted in. Once the plant is finished it can be placed in a pot or mounted any way you like.


 有售: 種籽書室(觀塘) , 挪亞書店(荃灣) , 基道書樓(旺角) , 道聲書局(油麻地) ,
恩慈書室(旺角) , 循道書室(灣仔) , 宗教教育中心(深水埗)

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